İngilizce Seviye Belirleme Sınavı

Question 1: Where do you live?

Question 2: Choose the correct option

Question 3: Do you like coffee?

Question 4: We walk ...... work every day.

Question 5: My birthday is ...... the third of March.

Question 6: Choose the correct option.

Question 7: Do you mind if I open the window?

Question 8: Choose the correct option.

Question 9: Choose the correct option.

Question 10: This sweater is made ...... the softest wool!

Question 11: Michael is ...... his sister.

Question 12: What ...... now?

Question 13: I don’t agree ….. you.

Question 14: A social networking site is ...... you can meet new people.

Question 15: He's that famous actor ...... is always on TV.

Question 16: ...... to the theatre for ages.

Question 17: Don't forget ...... on her birthday!

Question 18: While we ...... on the high street, a man came up to us.

Question 19: Don't start ...... again. You are giving me a headache!

Question 20: Which word does NOT belong with the others?

Question 21: The flight to London was ...... expensive than I thought.

Question 22: You ...... exhausted after your exam yesterday.

Question 23: I ...... Indian food.

Question 24: I ...... that we arrive on time don't want to miss the beginning.

Question 25: You must be responsible ...... your decisions.

Question 26: We'll ...... my sister to babysit on Friday.

Question 27: I didn't understand at first, but then ...... and the answer was clear.

Question 28: ..... if you don't want to.

Question 29: I am one hundred per cent certain that everything …… all right in the end.

Question 30: I hate cats. They …… my terrible allergies. (Cause)


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